Friday, August 21, 2009

Where is A28 Havannah?

Orcas near mics.

We are hearing close echo location and a few "A" calls close to Critical Point as someone rounds the "corner" into Robson Bight. The whales may be spread back further to the east end of the Reserve as there has been a couple of "rub" sounds as well. This means whales are on their way west.
21 Aug 2009 07:58:07 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

This morning after starting a recording at 7:42am, the A30s came west along Vancouver Island, then crossed into Blackney Pass and north to Blackfish Sound. They were gliding with the tide all together and silent until reaching Blackfish Sound. A small boat, following to persistently ruined the lovely scene somewhat. While the A30s were going through, the A8s were also heading west and into Blackney. We heard a couple of calls that alerted us to their presence. Then the Tuan alerted us that they were coming into Blackney. They followed the Hanson Island side closely. They too were silent and remained so as they entered Blackfish Sound. A28 was not with them.
21 Aug 2009 11:34:45 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

An interesting development. We have been listening to A4 calls on the rubbing beaches for the past while. Several small groups are moving west spread from the Cracroft Island shore at the Cliff to the Vancouver Island shore from Robson Bight back to the east end. It may be that the A11s came in yesterday morning and were perhaps the A4 group we heard around 4am off Critical Point and then at the Beaches a while later. Later in the day, some of the OrcaLive group identified the A11s and reported that A73 was now with them! she certainly keeps life interesting. Also, the A30s have now turned while off Lizard Point and are headed back east through Queen Charlotte Strait.
21 Aug 2009 15:12:40 PDT

Seasmoke reports
The A30’s had been reported entering into Blackney Passage and Blackfish Sound when we sighted orcas on the Vancouver Island shore heading east, as we watched they began crossing Johnstone Strait making their way towards Blackney Passage as well. We identified them as the A8’s but A28 was not among them. 30+ Stellar Sea Lions were sighted hauled out and swimming in the water on our way back. On the afternoon tour we headed towards the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve where orcas had been reported entering the Reserve from the east. A Humpback Whale was sighted en route to the orcas as were Dalls Porpoises riding at the bow of the boat and more Stellar Sea Lions who were swimming. We sighted orcas near the Pig Ranch on West Cracroft Island, some of the A24’s including A73, more orcas were foraging in the Robson Bight Reserve and more were headed to the west along the Vancouver Island shoreline. The orcas were travelling and foraging, some breaching activity was also observed. The rest of the A24’s were sighted further to the east as we headed home.

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