Thursday, January 29, 2009

A5 matrilines split up

No orcas present.

We have been waiting for the A8s to make their way back to the west but so far we have not heard them. In fact,it has been "quiet". We heard from CetaceaLab that the A25s and A23s are up north.
29 Jan 2009 22:18:29 PST

Friday, January 23, 2009

A8s near Pender Harbour

No calls but orcas nearby

The last month has been incredibly busy with orcas - wouldn't you know it? The area has been visted by several transient groups, as well as, the I31s and A5s, from the northern resident community. On January 11th, the 131s were first heard coming into the area. During the following two weeks, they have travelled the entire length of Johnstone Strait. Recently, the I33 matriline has been heard and seen going back and forth from the Ecological Reserve to Telegraph Cove. Possibly, last night they were joined by the other I31s. We finally lost track of the calls, (still in the Strait), around midnight. Today, we got word that the A8s were near Pender Harbour! We had heard them come in and head east early January 20th. Pender Harbour is where Corky and 5 other A5 pod members were captured and taken away in 1969 - 39 years ago! Although the A5s have been known to travel Georgia Strait, this is an historic return to this location.
Helena and Paul
23 Jan 2009 21:37:26 PST