Sunday, August 16, 2009

A5s, A4s and A30s travel together

No calls but orcas nearby

And it was,back to beaches (briefly) for the A30s and A5s: Did not hear the A24s at this time
16 Aug 2009 01:08:19 PDT

Superb sounds!!

These lovely calls are from the A30s as they pass north through Blackney Pass towards Blackfish sound. The A5s are just getting louder as well.
16 Aug 2009 04:08:32 PDT

Orcas near mics.

We're listening to the A8s, A23s & A24s on the Parson Island hydrophone, as they head towards Johnstone Strait. The A30s & A25s are behind, just entering Blackney Pass.
16 Aug 2009 11:03:22 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The A8s,A23s,A24s,A30s and A25s did not go east for long. The leads, (the A23s) got almost to Izumi Rock (west of the Western Boundary of the Reserve) before all turned back to the west and past CP. Perhaps running into a large group of dolphins influeneced this decision. The groups are all spread out from Blinkhorn to the Hanson side still going west.
16 Aug 2009 14:12:22 PDT

Orcas near mics.

After turning around at 2:48pm when they were to the west spread from the Wastells to Beaver Cove,Turn Point and Weynton Passage entrance, the A30s, A24s and A5s, moved past CP, Kaikash creek and into the Reserve where they are now.
16 Aug 2009 18:17:12 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

First in, the A5s and now the A24s.
16 Aug 2009 19:50:29 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

The whales are spread out from the beaches (A5) back to Robson Bight (A30,A24).
16 Aug 2009 20:01:32 PDT

Distant calls audible.

these very, very distant (almost inaudible) calls are on the Beach system so the whales are still east of Robson Bight for now.
16 Aug 2009 23:34:01 PDT

Seasmoke reports
As the orcas drew near they were identified as the A25’s, A24’s, and the A8’s, they were moving steadily with the flood tide and some breaching and tail slapping behaviour was observed. The A30’s with the A25’s followed next and they too gained speed as they neared Blackney Passage, prior to this they had been in a travelling/resting line. Another Humpback Whale was sighted in the distance and 8 Stellar Sea Lions hauled out were also seen. On the afternoon tour the orcas were encountered nearing the Wastell Islets, the A24’s were in the lead, the other pods were spread across Johnstone Strait, the A23’s, A8’s, A25’s and the A30’s were all seen.

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