Friday, August 14, 2009

A30s A4s and A5s travel together

No orcas present.

It was pretty "quiet" last night after the A12s and A36s went north through Blackney Pass. Then at 3am, the A5s came back from the east to the Rubbing Beaches. Their rub began at 3:20 and lasted until 3:31am. The A24s and the A30s were heard too but they were further off shore. Everything then shifted to the west and by 3:48am they were opposite Robson Bight. At the change of tide (to the flood) the calls from all three groups became more frequent. Occasionally, there was faint echo location. Just after 6am, the calls were very distant and ended soon afterward.
14 Aug 2009 08:08:53 PDT

No orcas present.

The A30s have arrived back to the Ecological Reserve area. They are spread out with some of the A5s on the Cracroft Island shore opposite Boat Bay. The A24s were angling from that side towards the Vancouver Island side earlier.
14 Aug 2009 13:12:54 PDT

Distant calls audible.

So... the A30s continue on the Vancouver Island side but the A24s are still with the A23s on the Cracroft Island side and they are in the lead off the Sophia Islands now. The A25s, a short while ago, were trailing opposite Boat Bay Island. No mention yet of the A8s.
14 Aug 2009 13:47:12 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The A30s,A24s and A5s (the usual suspects) went past CP and on to the area opposite Telegraph Cove and Weynton Pass. The last report mentioned that they were now headed to Blinkhorn so perhaps there is an eastward trend now. The A8s were found, travelling with the A30s as they went along the Vancouver Island side.
14 Aug 2009 16:46:22 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Indeed they did turn at the time of the last report. They all "ran" down the Vancouver Island shore,past Critical Point and on to the Beaches where they are now.
14 Aug 2009 20:45:52 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

Sounds like they have bounced back to Robson Bight from the Beaches/
14 Aug 2009 22:11:33 PDT

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