Sunday, December 24, 2006

24 December 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

We began to hear A5 calls once more in Johnstone Strait.
24 Dec 2006 13:45:07 PST

Distant calls audible.

And A4s as well!
24 Dec 2006 14:26:27 PST

Distant calls audible.

The A4s and a5s who wer in Johnstone Strait moved around to Blackfish Sound perhaps taking the ebbing tide out to Queen Charlotte Strait.
24 Dec 2006 19:19:18 PST

Saturday, December 23, 2006

23 December 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

Sorry we have not posted that the A4s and the A5s were both heard this morning as they travelled east towards the Ecological Reserve and beyond. We are again hearing calls as at least some of the A4s travel back to the west. There is also heavy boat noise in Johnstone Strait.
23 Dec 2006 21:28:44 PST

No orcas present.

It is possible the whales went back to the east. We only heard a few calls and a little bit of echo location and then nothing. Another stormy night!
23 Dec 2006 23:20:32 PST

Friday, December 22, 2006

22 December 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

They are still there. Just a short while ago we started to hear "As" in Johnstone Strait.
22 Dec 2006 12:13:40 PST

Distant calls audible.

The A4s and the A5s are continuing to call. They are still in Johnstone Strait.
22 Dec 2006 18:39:26 PST

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

20 December 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

The A5s are back! Possibly heading west towards Cracroft Point. Hopefully, the A4s are still there as well.
20 Dec 2006 13:40:14 PST

Distant calls audible.

On this very dark and very stormy night the A4s are calling in Johnstone Strait. We have been hearing calls on and off since the afternoon.
20 Dec 2006 18:45:08 PST

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

19 December 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

Tonight, around 9pm we again heard distant "A" calls in Johnstone Strait.
19 Dec 2006 00:01:06 PST

Superb sounds!!

The a4s and the A5s are off the entrance to Blackney Pass in Johnstone Strait!
19 Dec 2006 10:57:57 PST

Superb sounds!!

The A4s and the A5s have moved east into Robson Bight.
19 Dec 2006 12:02:21 PST

Sunday, December 17, 2006

17 December 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

We began hearing distant "A" calls (probably A5s) on the Critical Point hydrophone around 8:30pm. The Strait was been very noisy because of the storm as well as boats, but we continued to hear calls until a little after 9pm. We think the orcas were probably headed east but aren't sure. We are waiting.
17 Dec 2006 22:41:35 PST

Monday, September 04, 2006

04 September 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

Just after 7am we began to hear A calls in Blackfish Sound. The calls were extremely distant. Earlier the A30s,A4s and A5s went through Blackney Pass after coming west in the Strait. Their calls ended around 3:40am and so perhaps these groups are the very distant As we heard most recently. Going Weynton?
04 Sep 2006 07:57:13 PDT

Sunday, September 03, 2006

03 September 2006, Orcalab reports:

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

As the Bs,A12s,I33s move further east we have become aware of other groups moving west into the eastern part of the Reserve. So far, at the beahces we have heard: I11s,Gs,I15s,As and now I11s again I31s. There are, to put it mildly, a lot of whales in Johnstone Strait - all near and around the Michael Bigg/Robson Bight Ecological Reserve.
03 Sep 2006 12:35:26 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A12s,Bs & A5s have gone in for a rub as the other groups make their way eastward toward them.
03 Sep 2006 17:58:16 PDT

Saturday, September 02, 2006

02 September 2006, Orcalab reports:

Boat noise

The I11s may not have listened to the siren call after all. We believe they headed back to the west where they were earlier today. We are waiting to find out if they head out or turn back once again. We still believe the I15s and i35s+ continued to the east. The A30s, A4s,A5s and the three G groups are still east as well.
02 Sep 2006 21:08:52 PDT

Friday, September 01, 2006

01 September 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

The day keeps developing along positve lines. The Gs have joined the A30s, I15s and I11s off the Robson Bight area after a brief rub at the beaches. The A4s,A5s and A12s are not far off as well.
01 Sep 2006 09:17:05 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

All the groups, numbering near to 90 whales, are going west. The majority have already passed CP. The list includes: the A5s,I11s,A30s,I15s,G3s,G18s, G29s,A4s,A12s,and possibly the I31s.
01 Sep 2006 11:16:53 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

Now there a lot of whales everywhere! The A12s and the I31s came through Blackney pass a short while ago and they are now on their way west through Blackfish Sound. Meanwhile, all the others have turned, some got as far as the entrance to Weynton Passage, and they are now silently eastbound. The A30s are in the lead and must be near Izumi Rock and the Reserve beyond. A12, herself, led the charge into Blackney.
01 Sep 2006 13:45:38 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

The whales have been back at the beaches for hours. The A30s and the I15s had a fisrt rub and then as they other groups (the A4s,A5s, Gs,I11s) slowly made their way past Critical Point another long rub began. Eventually, someone from each call group joined in and the rub continued forever. They may have finally decided to move on. meanwhile ,we have not heard the I31 and A12s. We had heard they were trying to come back via Weynton against the ebb tide but no "word" yet as to how far they have come.
01 Sep 2006 19:20:21 PDT

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

30 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

A large group of orcas, including A1s, A4s, A5s & several G & R clan groups has just headed north through Blackney Pass.
30 Aug 2006 04:58:44 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

Oh boy, still a lot of movement. The A30s,I15s and the R group have come back from the top of Blackfish Sound, travelled through Weynton Pass and headed east in Johnstone Strait. Other groups, the A12s, A5s, I31s and possibly others are following but look like they might come through Blackney Pass. We are waiting. Earlier this morning: the A30s,A11s, I15s, Gs, Rs and I11/I31s passed through Blackney on their way north and west. They were "sort of" following the A36s, Hs and Is who had ventured in as far as Blackney pass before returning to Blackfish Sound and heading out. The A12s, A5s and the rest of the A4s may have stayed Strait side, going to the west and out via Weynton Pass. After sorting themselves out they groups have split and begun travelling as described above.
30 Aug 2006 12:35:05 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

The I15s,A30s,R2s and R7s have moved on from Robson Bight. The I15s have gone into the beaches. The I31s,A12s, A4s,A5s, G3s,G18s,probably the G29s, and I11s went through Blackney Pass, past CP and are now crossing towards the Reserve from the Cracroft Island side.
30 Aug 2006 14:34:01 PDT

Distant calls audible.

We last heard I31 calls on Flower Isalnd just before 10pm. We have the impression that at least some of the groups may have exited via Weynton Pass after traveling west in the Strait soon after their rub. The boat noise tonight is dreadful. Just a little while ago we began hearing the As (A4s+) still in the Strait. They may be heading back eastward, toward the Reserve, despite the tide that will be ebbing until 4am.
30 Aug 2006 23:07:57 PDT

Monday, August 28, 2006

28 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Most of the groups were back in the Strait by 3am & heading east. The A12s are presently having an energetic rub.
28 Aug 2006 06:33:16 PDT

Boat noise

After a great rub the groups may have headed off to the east. hard to say how far they will go as the tide is now ebbing. We thought they might come back but we have not heard anything for over an hour now. Before the rub, when the whales were off the Robson Bight area, we think the I31s may have come and joined the others around 5am. It was after this that the groups went down to the beaches for an hour rub which ended around 7:30am.
28 Aug 2006 09:18:18 PDT

Boat noise

Sorry, I forgot to mention who we have heard this morning from the time the majority of the whales had come in: A30s,A12s, A36s, A4s,A5s, I11s,Gs, I15s and possibly the I31s as well.
28 Aug 2006 09:20:21 PDT

No orcas present.

The G3s, G18s and G29s were almost toally silent as they made their way the entire length of the upper Johnstone Strait area. They woke up in time to go for a rub around 6:40pm. from the beaches they continued east. We heard an update from the eastern part of Johnstone Strait this evening, thanks to Nick of Painter's Lodge. Apparently, the large group (the A12s,A30s, I11s,I15s, A4s, A5s, possibly the G2s and I31s ended up near Bear Bight. This is almost as far east as the Strait goes. It may be a quiet night up here. Nothing developed from the idea that the Rs and the Bs were in town earlier.
28 Aug 2006 22:22:33 PDT

Sunday, August 27, 2006

27 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

A great start to the morning. At 5:40am we began to hear groups coming into Blackfish Sound. They did go out through Weynton Pass last night. Jim Borrowman saw them heading into Weynton around 7:50pm. Then 12 hours later here they were, in Blackfish Sound. The first calls were Gs so we thought we might see a lot more groups. When they came around the corner into Blackney, close to the Lab, we only identified the G29s! But they were with the A11s, all the A5s, A30s, I15s, A35s, maybe the A24s. Missing from yesterday were the I31s. We also could not clearly say that the A12s were there as well. It was lovely and as the tide turned to the slack the whales picked up speed and rushed (breaching) into Johnstone Strait. They are headed east towards the Ecological Reserve.
27 Aug 2006 07:25:52 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

Great! A second wave. This time the A12s led the I11s,G2s and others into Blackney from Blackfish Sound. They went into Johnstone Strait against the ebb tide and then headed eastward only to "shut down" and become still just west of the Sophia Islands. The "first wave" is to the east of them still.
27 Aug 2006 11:18:49 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

All the groups are on their way back to western johnstone Strait. The A12s seem to be in the lead but the A30s are not far behind. They are spread across from shore to shore.
27 Aug 2006 19:18:58 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

It looked like they wanted to go west, some were up to Big Bay but the A24s had other ideas... they wanted to go out Blackney Pass so they called and called and pretty soon all the groups followed them through to Blackfish Sound. The calls are now distant as they continue to move west.
27 Aug 2006 22:04:41 PDT

Saturday, August 26, 2006

26 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Orcas near mics.

Sorry again, we had internet problems this morning AND it has been busy.... the A30s,A36s and I15s have come in. The A12s,I31s,A4s and A5s all came west (starting at 5am), some up as far as Telegraph Cove. The A24s , travelling just behind the A35s,poked their noses into Blackney Pass to have a listen while the others positioned themselves off Weynton Pass tp listen for the incoming A30s,A36s and I15s. Once in all the groups headed east together slowly against the last of the ebbing tide. They are now all in the Reserve, some at the beaches (A12s), others just in at the western boundary.
26 Aug 2006 13:13:31 PDT

No orcas present.

While most of the resident orcas were at the beaches the T18s plus maybe T124C passed by on the Cracroft Island side. When they were opposite Boat Bay Jared Towers witnessed the I33s pop up just 200 to 300 metres away. The transients sped away to the west and into Blackney Pass. As they reached Blackfish we could hear the I31s (the I33s) leading the rest of the resident groups to the west. Just before dark they were off Telegraph Cove. Where they have gone since is a but of a mystery. The last faint and very distant calls were heard just after 8pm. Did the strong ebb tide encourage them to leave via Weynton? A fishing opening today has increased the boat noise in the Strait making it hard to hear any distant calls.
26 Aug 2006 22:52:21 PDT

Friday, August 25, 2006

25 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

No calls but orcas nearby

Starting at 3:40am we began to hear the groups coming back to the west. A few skipped over the rubbing beaches. Mostly we were hearing A12 and A5 calls. After rounding Critical Point they fell silent until they were in the entrance of Blackney Pass and about to go through the pass. The A11s were in the lead followed by a large group. We clearly saw the A12s, A5s and possibly the rest of the A4s. They are in Blackfish Sound now. Still no calls.
25 Aug 2006 07:13:57 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

Sorry, it was a town run today (groceries & laundry) . When we got back in the early evening we passed the whales heading east in the Strait around Big Bay. The a12s, A4s & A5s after leaving Blackfish Sound this morning travelled west in Queeen Charlotte and found the I31s. All the groups then travelled back to the Strait via Weynton Pass. They, then went down to the Reserve and had a rub. once finished at the beaches they have started back to the west. Quite the routine, quite the day!
25 Aug 2006 21:39:39 PDT

Thursday, August 24, 2006

24 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

The last calls we heard early this morning were at 1am as the whales moved east past the Ecological Reserve. But they have returned. Just a short while ago we heard the A12s,A5s and A4s round Critical Point. They moved off to the west fairly smartly, heading toward the Sophias & CP.
24 Aug 2006 08:03:01 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The whales continued to the west until big Bay. They have just turned back to the east. The A12s,A5s and some of the A4s passed on the cracroft/hanson side. The A11s may be over on the Vancouver Island shore.
24 Aug 2006 09:55:13 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Sorry, we lost our connection and the ability to update. It was quite busy. Earlier as the main group of A12s, A4s & A5s neared the western boundary, the A24s splintered off and rushed back to CP, through Blackney Pass and around Hanson Island. They moved down the Strait and met up with the others. The whales then came back to the west, some as as far as Telegraph Cove. Another turn happened and the whales grouped up and moved quickly east, stalling for a bit in the Bight before heading to the rubbing beaches where they are now. The flood is not until after midnight.
24 Aug 2006 21:59:00 PDT

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

23 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

The A12s,A4s, and A5s finally all made it to Johnstone Strait at the start of the flood tide. They headed east quickly and we lost track of them around 1:30am. The A12s & some of hte A5s were the trailing group, the A4s were in the lead.
23 Aug 2006 07:52:13 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The A5s suddenly rounded Critical Point with the A12s further off shore of them. The groups are rapidly moving to the west. The A4s will most likely soon follow.
23 Aug 2006 08:59:03 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A12s,A5s and the A4s all went west to the Turn Point area and then turned (how appropriate!) and crossed toward the Vancouver Island shore for the trek eastward. Seams like a typical summer routine.
23 Aug 2006 12:44:34 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

After a short but interesting rub by the A5s at the Main beach the whales are on their way back to the west.
23 Aug 2006 15:37:05 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

These whales continue to be interesting. They came west only as far as Big Bay on Hanson Island, west of CP. They then turned and formed up into what looked like resting lines but judging from the constant vocals it is a weird "rest". They are facing into the ebb tide however and not moving very far from the area off CP.
23 Aug 2006 21:43:49 PDT

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

22 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

Soon after 3am we began to hear the groups coming back through the Ecological Reserve on their way west. The A12s, A4s,A5s, Cs and Ds marched up the Strait and through to Blackfish Sound.
22 Aug 2006 06:45:58 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

At 7:40pm we began to hear distant A calls in Blackfish Sound. This turned out to be the A12s,A4s and A5s returning from their day's journey into Queen Charlotte Strait. The Cs and the Ds have not returned. The whales made slow but somewhat steady progress against the ebbing tide. They will now have the advantage of the slack tide and then the flood to help their progress to the Strait and points east. The last of the groups are still in Blackney while others have already made it through. It was quite interesting that at one point we had an A4 group on CP, another on Parson Island and the third on Local left at the same time.
22 Aug 2006 23:38:34 PDT

Monday, August 21, 2006

21 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

We had a busy and interesting night. Before 1:30am we started hearing Cs and Ds in Johnstone Strait. They headed east toward the Ecological Reserve. After a while the A12s, A4s and A5s became vocal and move into the Robson Bight area. Possibly, at least some of these groups headed back to the west. We are now hearing calls once again and CP can see blows over by Little Kaikash, just to the west of CP. It is rather like where we left off yesterday evening although there are now more whales!
21 Aug 2006 08:30:06 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

We think we might now understand what has happened. Not only is the Strait a busy place for boats but the whales have been on the move all night as well. We now believe the c6s and the Ds came in just after 1am. The A12s,A4s & A5s were there to meet them either up near Weynton Pass or by coming up from below Robson Bight. The A12s,A4s and A5s definitely followed the Cs and Ds to the east past Robson Bight/Boat Bay. AND this morning the C10s (maybe) also came in via Weynton Pass and once again the As came over to meet them as they approached the western boundary. The C6s also returned and made it to CP where they negotiated a quick turn around, only to head over to the very social scene on the other side near the western boundary. All groups are now spyhopping,breaching but still moving eastward slowly together.
21 Aug 2006 10:01:56 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

After the resident groups met & socialised they headed east out of the Reserve and continued with the flood tide. Just recently a small group of transients were spotted off Blinkhorn in the Strait. They crossed to the Hanson side and then through Blackney Pass and "up" Baronet Passage. We caught a glimpse of them as they moved along the Blackney pass side of Cracroft Island before disappearing.
21 Aug 2006 17:24:06 PDT

Sunday, August 20, 2006

20 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

No calls but orcas nearby

After spending a couple of days to the east of Johnstone Strait, at least some of the groups are heading back to the west & are now approaching the Ecological Reserve. Another lovely sunny day here.
20 Aug 2006 13:12:26 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

To catch up: the A12s,A4s and the A5s are westbound in Johnstone Strait. After quick, on the fly, rubs they past the Ecological Reserve and Boat Bay. CP watched the A24s and the A35s pass on their side . The whales are spread out across the Strait still pretty much in the Kaikash Creek and CP area. And they are having a bite to eat. The surprise of the day were the transients (T11,T11A and possibly two others) who turned up suddenly at the eastern end of Hanson Island. They went west quickly ahead of the advance of the resident orcas who were passing Critical Point at the time. They have since been sighted in Bauza Cove. The Cs and Ds and the I35s have been reported eastbound by the Roller Bay nearPort Hardy.
20 Aug 2006 16:16:17 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The tide is still ebbing, the Strait is flooded with boat noise and the calls a re infrequent. We know that the A12s, A4s and A5s went west towards the Wastells and the entrance of Weynton Pass earlier and we suspect that they turned and started back east. The mystery for us is how far east have they come? At7pm CP thought they saw blows right up against the Vancouver Island shore near Little Kaikash, west of CP. Since then we have heard both A5 and A1 calls but only on Cracroft Point. Hopefully, we will soon be able to figure out just where in the Strait are the whales.
20 Aug 2006 22:31:53 PDT

Saturday, August 19, 2006

19 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

Quiet night so we think the whales stayed to the east.
19 Aug 2006 07:35:09 PDT

No orcas present.

The A12s,A4s and A5s stayed in the far east all day. We heard reports that they were seen in Nodales. Meanwhile, the Naiad Explorer and the Roller Bay found the I35s near Port Hardy.
19 Aug 2006 22:49:21 PDT

Friday, August 18, 2006

18 August2006, Orcalab reports:

No calls but orcas nearby

Good morning! The A12s,A4s and A5s came back into range just after 3am. After a rub they continued west through the noisy Strait. Leading the groups, the A11s and the A8s travelled north through Blackney Pass. While the A11s/A73 continued into Blackfish Sound the A8s doubled backed to wait for the A12s and the rest of the A4s & A5s. They have all just cleared into Blackfish Sound. A Scotch mist and busy squirrels gathering pine cones.
18 Aug 2006 07:39:16 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The A12s,A4s and A5s have come back from the west. They turned between the Penfolds and Fosters around 12:30pm. At the turn they formed a resting line and started to move east in Queen Charlotte Strait. They all came in through Weynton Passage and they are now making their way east parallel to Hanson Island, getting close to the "bottom" end.
18 Aug 2006 15:29:08 PDT

No orcas present.

After travelling back the A12s, A4s and A5s continued east to the beaches and beyond. The rest of the evening has been "quiet".
18 Aug 2006 23:26:17 PDT

Thursday, August 17, 2006

17 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

A foggy morning... yesterday evening the A12s came back to the west with the A4s and the A5s. They eventually made their way past CP and into Blackney Pass and out to Blackfish Sound. One A4 group (?the A11s) were left in Johnstone Strait and we wonder if they went back to the east. All quiet for the ret of the night after 11:30pm.
17 Aug 2006 07:00:26 PDT

No orcas present.

Sorry, it has been a busy day here.... The travels of the A12s, all the A4s & all the A5s made for an interesting day. Starting off near Pulteney Point (western end of Malcolm Island) these whales took the not so common route past Port Mcneill, Haddington Island, Alert Bay to reach Johnstone Strait. Once there they continued east as usual. Some of the A4s and the A5s went in for a beautiful hour long rub which ended around 8:30pm. We think they have carried on eastward. busy night in the Strait as fishing is still happening.
17 Aug 2006 23:20:49 PDT

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

16 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

A pretty quiet night after a few distant calls on the Critical Point were heard after the whales last rubbing session. Just a short while ago we heard distant A5 calls again. CP is watching a group come west between the Sophias and CP.
16 Aug 2006 08:17:17 PDT

Orcas near mics.

An added note: we are listening to A4s now as well. Could it be the A24s again?
16 Aug 2006 08:18:56 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The whole gang (the A24s,A43s,A35s and A51s) has just gone by CP headed to the west headed not to the east end of Hanson Island.
16 Aug 2006 08:33:21 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A4s and A5s turned once they got to Turn Point and the entrance to Weynton Pass. We are waiting to find out if they all turned together. They are now east bound.
16 Aug 2006 10:00:41 PDT

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

15 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

At 4am we again heard the A4 & A5s as they moved toward Critical Point. After some foraging they passed Critical Point. Around 6:30am they were off the Rubbing Beaches. Then at 7:30am they were on their way back to the west. We have heard a report from the MacKays that there are wave after wave of orca groups passing Masterman Islands near Port Hardy.
15 Aug 2006 08:32:55 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

An A5 group has gone into the Main Beach for a rub. This morning the A24s went past. They were very spread out at first and then (to our delight) moved over to "our side" and continued north to Blackfish Sound. Meanwhile, the A35s,A51s and A43s came west in the Strait and passed close to CP. After they reached Big bay they turned and crossed to Vancouver Island. They then "ran" down the shoreline and entered the Reserve at the western boundary at 11:30am.
15 Aug 2006 13:10:31 PDT

Boat noise

The A24s took an interesting tour today. They used Swanson Passage to get from Knight Inlet to West Pass. This brought them to Blackney Pass. They then went south, paused in the last stretch of Blackney while the A35s,A51s,and A43s (who had been waiting in the entrance of Blackney Pass after coming westward in the Strait a short while earlier) moved over to the east end of Hanson Island. All these groups are now travelling in same direction to the west along Hanson Island.
15 Aug 2006 16:46:29 PDT

Monday, August 14, 2006

14 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

Good Morning! The A12s,A4s,A5s and the Bs continued to wait off Robson Bight/Boat Bay until around 2am and then finally shifted east. This was very close to when we started to first hear the I15s and the A30s in Blackfish Sound. They were joined by the A36s and several Gs groups, who then proceded ahead to Blackney Pass. After passing through Blackney Pass in a BIG rush all these groups entered the Strait and continued east. They are currently still passing Robson Bight. The tide is in full flood.
14 Aug 2006 05:36:24 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

The whales who went east early this morning are returning and the lead groups are already up to Boat Bay. Meanwhile, the Naiad has been reporting a very large group (included are Ws,Ds,Rs and more) off the Port Hardy area. They are not yet committed to fully coming down to the east.
14 Aug 2006 13:56:15 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A36s are once again leading the several G groups westward in the Strait. We are also hearing A4s,A5s,A12s & Bs but i don't think we have heard the a30s and the I15s yet. It is,however, a BIG crowd.
14 Aug 2006 16:18:51 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

My goodness what a day. The OLers were here after their encounter with the Rs, Ws,Ds,C6s,C10s mid Queen Charlotte Strait off Pine Island on the Naiad Explorer. Meanwhile, the A30s,A36s, I15s, A12s, A35s,A24s,A51s, A43s, Bs and the several G groups came out of the east and travelled toward WeyntonPassage. There the Gs probably took off through Weynton Passage and the others returned to the entrance of Blackney Pass where after sorting themselves out they headed into Blackney Pass and past the Lab. The A24s and the Bs were the last through. CP saw the A12s continue to the west in the Strait and it is still unclear what they are going to do.
14 Aug 2006 20:48:52 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A4s,A5s are back in the Strait after circling Hanson Island. The G groups are with them as well as the A12s/
14 Aug 2006 22:17:28 PDT

Boat noise

A little bit confusing... the A112s along with one of the A5 groups have rounded Critical Point and have gone east. The Gs,the other A5s, A4s and Bs who were further west have disappeared. Did they go back out? Or did they fall asleep?
14 Aug 2006 23:31:36 PDT

Sunday, August 13, 2006

13 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

Just after the I5s and the A30s headed through Blackfish Sound, the A12s, A11s,A35s,A24s, A51s 7 possibly the A43s came up from the east with the B7s and travelled west on both shores to the Weynton Pass area. They have since turned and are now making their way back. So far we have heard A1 and A4 calls. Lots of boat noise as the seine boats prepare for the 8:30am opening tomorrow.
13 Aug 2006 18:31:15 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The whales,especially the A5s have been very vocal while off Robson Bight. The A12s, A4s and Bs chirp in from time to time. The increase in the A5 calls has made us wonder if the A8s have joined the others. We keep expecting them to all head for the beaches but so far they have stalled and there really has not been a lot of movement west or east, more north and south, shifting from one shore of Johnstone Strait to the other. There is still a lot of boat noise.
13 Aug 2006 22:45:23 PDT

Saturday, August 12, 2006

12 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Orcas near mics.

The I15s and the A30s crossed the Strait to Vancouver Island and are now in the Ecological Reserve rounding Critical Point. The A12s,A4s, A5s, Gs and A36s are still to the east. There is a report of a group near Port Neville westbound. Sadly, it looks like I15 and I41 are missing. Graeme Ellis had a chance to look at the group this morning. We had already guessed that I41 was gone but did not know about I15. I16 has most likely lost her youngest calf.
12 Aug 2006 14:43:49 PDT

Friday, August 11, 2006

11 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

After the A30s and the I15s disappeared to the east in Johnstone Strait all was quiet until 11pm. Then... calls in Blackfish Sound. In came the Cs, Ds, Gs, and A36s through Blackney Pass. They reached Johnstone Strait on the slack tide andthen made their way east. Just as the last of these groups were approaching Robson Bight the A12s,A4s,A5s,A30s and Bs came up from the east. By 2:30am everyone had turned and moved in the same direction together, We last heard calls at 3:15 as the groups passed the eastern boundary of the Ecological Reserve.
11 Aug 2006 07:17:59 PDT

Thursday, August 10, 2006

10 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

Good morning! The A12s & A5s kept us busy for most of the night while they stalled off Robson Bight. The A24s & Bs were further east but eventually made their way back to the A12s and A5s. Finally, just as these groups moved off to the east, the A30s and the I15s entered the Strait via Weynton Pass. The A30s, ahead of the I15s, went past CP mid strait around 6am. As they crossed over to the Ecological Reserve the I15s followed. The I15s have just rounded Critical Point. Very low tide this morning and it will be ebbing until around noon. This means the I15s and A30s worked the whole time against the tide in order to reach the Strait & the Reserve.
10 Aug 2006 07:52:57 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

The A11s turned up unexpectedly in Johnstone Strait. We probably missed them going through Blackney Pass. They went west briefly and then turned and headed over to the Vancouver Island shore and down to the Reserve. They are now past Critical Point. While westbound and before their turn they were vocal briefly. This may have influenced the other groups (the A30s,A12s and I15s to finally turn around at the entrance to Weynton Passage. These groups are now slowly moving east but still west of CP. Lovely day ... strong northwesterly breeze but very sunny. There was a large group reported off Camp Point. This may be the Bs, A24s and maybe all of the A5s and the A35s. Hopefully, we find out for sure.
10 Aug 2006 15:48:09 PDT

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

09 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

The B7s led the parade back to the west starting at 2:50am. All the groups (the A4s,A5s,A30s,A12s,Gs,I31s,Rs etc) followed. With the exception of the small A11 group, who went through Blackney Pass, all the rest continued west in Johnstone Strat. We are just now hearing the first groups arrive at the top end of Blackfish Sound after exiting the Strait via Weynton Pass.
09 Aug 2006 06:39:59 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A12s came back from Queen Charlotte Strait ahead of the B7s, A24s,A51s and A43s. They all came through Blackney Pass. The A12s are now entering the Ecological Reserve while the others are slowly resting west of the Sophias. The rest of the groups (the A36s, A11s, I15s, Rs, Ds, I31s & Gs) are still headed west in Queen Charlotte Strait.
09 Aug 2006 14:22:15 PDT

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

08 August Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A36s have gone through Blackney Pass and into Blackfish Sound. Meanwhile, the A30s, I31s, Gs and I15s have continued west in Johnstone Strait. We believve the Bs may have turned around and headed back towards the Reserve after making it as far as Cracroft Point. We have heard a few A4 calls as well. There should still be a a fairly large group to the east, the A5s, possibly the A12s, some more of the A4s and the C6s and D7s. It is very, very foggy today.
08 Aug 2006 08:26:27 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

There are groups of whales everywhere! In the Strait: the B7s did turn back with the A11s but they are making there way past Critical Point. The A35s just finished at the Beaches and there may be others behind them (the rest of the A4s and A5s). The C6s (at least part of the pod) have gone past Alert Bay to the west. The A30s, I15s, I31s, A36s abd Gs (at least some of the G groups) are out in Queen Charlotte meeting up with incoming Rs and other groups. We don't know where the D7s got to as yet. Very, very busy!
08 Aug 2006 12:14:29 PDT

No orcas present.

Another superpod day! Several of the groups (the A30s,I31s,Gs, A12s ,A36s and Ds) this morning circled around Hanson Island and met up with the incoming Rs. The C6s headed off by themselves past Alert Bay. The A12s then led all the groups in via Blackney Pass just as the fog was clearing. The groups headed east in Johnstone Strait. After a jump into the beaches together they carried on to the east by 4:30pm. It has been quiet since. Our count was well over 100 whales.
08 Aug 2006 22:26:02 PDT

Sunday, August 06, 2006

06 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Orcas near mics.

This is becoming quite the day! The I15s and the A36s have already gone through Blackney Pass and east in Johnstone Strait. Bothe groups went in for a rub but the A36s have since come back to the west. The whalewatch boats have been keeping an eye on the Bs in Queen Charlotte Strait. They have company. R clan & possibly G clan calls have also been heard. The good news for us is that these groups are moving towards Blackfish Sound. Are the A36s coming west to meet up? Meanwhile the A30s,A4s,A5s are still quite far east. They were reported in Sunderland Channel earlier. They too were headed west.
06 Aug 2006 12:38:19 PDT

Saturday, August 05, 2006

05 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

We believe the majority of the groups from last night, the C6s,D7s, A4s and A5s went east of the Ecological Reserve. We heard the A30s briefly off Robson Bight at 6am but lost track of which direction they headed soon after. We think they may have slipped east as well. In amongst the incoming Cs and Ds, Jared Towers may have found a small G group as well!
05 Aug 2006 08:00:48 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The whales have been heading up to the west most of the afternoon. The A30s (who we heard around 6am) never did go as deep to the east as the others). Now, the A30s are in the lead ahead of the C6s,D7s,A4s,A5s. We have even heard that the A12s may be there as well.
05 Aug 2006 16:29:41 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

We just had the A30s, A4s,A5sC6s,D7s come west and turn not far from the entrance to Blackney Pass. They are now headed back towards the Ecological Reserve. We did not hear A12s nor Gs at this time.
05 Aug 2006 19:12:18 PDT

No orcas present.

All is quiet now. The A30s, A4s,A5s just finished their rub and headed off to the east. Before the rub,there had been one more 'go around the block" for all the groups, including the Ds and Cs. The turn to the east was shy of CP this time and we lost track of the Cs & Ds. did they go east along Cracroft Island? Or did they head off in the other direction? We were left hanging a bit. It would be nice if they stayed for while longer.
05 Aug 2006 23:15:24 PDT

Friday, August 04, 2006

04 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

All "quiet" again tonight - can't remember a season where we have such uninterrupted sleep! We presume the A30s, ?A12s, A4s and A5s are still to the east. This is a long, long weekend with a salmon derby in progress.
04 Aug 2006 08:59:52 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The resident whales who had been east are starting to arrive back at the Ecological Reserve.
04 Aug 2006 18:06:50 PDT

Boat noise

The A4s and A5s are still calling and quite excited but there is quite loud boat noise as well. We also received a report from Donegal Watcher via the Lukwa that 3 males and 5 females are on their way into Johnstone Strait from Queen Charlotte. We didn't hear any calls in Blackfish Sound and will have to wait for their arrival in the Strait. They have just gone into Weynton Pass.
04 Aug 2006 18:34:47 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

It turned out to be both the D7s and the C6s. All the groups are now heading towards the Ecological Reserve. The A30s followed the A4s and the A5s to meet the incoming Ds & Cs. There was apparently quite a spoyhopping session as the groups met up.
04 Aug 2006 20:41:33 PDT

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

02 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A30s, A4s (all matrilines) and A51s went west as far as Beaver Cove (west of Telegraph Cove) and then turned just after 1pm. They are now headed back east.
02 Aug 2006 13:51:33 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The A30s,A4s and A5s are westbound again after a lovely rub.
02 Aug 2006 17:37:28 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Another circuit of Johnstone Strait has brought the whales back to the rubbing beaches. This time they got only as far as the entrance of Blackney Pass when they excitedly decided to head back to the Ecological Rserve.
02 Aug 2006 21:06:54 PDT

No orcas present.

The whales may have continued to the east past the Ecological Reserve.
02 Aug 2006 22:00:55 PDT

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

01 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

Last night I was just about to write an update when there were calls heard in Blackfish Sound. It turned out to be the A12s. Just before 9pm when the A30s,A11s and some of the A5s turned back to the east off Hanson Island, the A12s continued out through Weynton Pass. The A30s & Co continued going east toward the Reserve where they may have encountered the rest of the A5 groups along with the A24s. All these groups then conntinued east past the Reserve and were out of our range by 1am. We believe the A12s kept moving west into Queen Charlotte Strait.
01 Aug 2006 07:30:41 PDT

No orcas present.

The A12s have spent the day in Queen Charlotte Strait. They eventually began to move back toward the east just about the time reports reached us that there is a large group of orcas incoming from further west. The A30s,A4s and A5s are still in the eastern part of Johnstone Strait.
01 Aug 2006 16:19:19 PDT

Monday, July 31, 2006

31 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Most of the activity today has been off the eastern end of Cracroft Island. The whales (A30s and A5s) finallly decided to head back to the west. The A12s and A11s, who had earlier travelled back to the Strait via Blackney, turned back to the west, after reaching the Broken Islands. Their progress has been slow all day as they may have been waiting for the A30s and A5s to catch up. Despite the flooding tide they have all managed to keep moving west and the lead groups are now in the Ecological Reserve.
31 Jul 2006 17:10:12 PDT

Sunday, July 30, 2006

30 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

No calls overnight so we believe the A30s,A12, A4s and A5s are still to the east in Johnstone Strait. Yesterday, the Naiad thought that there may be additional groups there as well.
30 Jul 2006 09:13:17 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A12s came back from the east. They passed CP and continued west to Turn Point. A short while ago they turned. Meanwhile, some of the A4s followed the A12s up from the east. They are still east of CP. The A30s were reported still quite far east and so far we have not heard the A5s.
30 Jul 2006 15:59:05 PDT

Saturday, July 29, 2006

29 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

Overnight: The A30, A4 & A5 calls continued until 11:30pm as these whales went back and forth in the Ecological Reserve. Then at 2am we briefly heard calls once more but unfortunately we were unable to locate where the calls were coming from. The tide was flooding and so they may have decided to go with it and head east. But it is a bit uncertain.
29 Jul 2006 07:51:13 PDT

No orcas present.

Indeed the whales went to the east, to the very far east, Sayward, Camp Point and Nodales.
29 Jul 2006 15:24:05 PDT

Friday, July 28, 2006

28 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

After disappearing for most of the day, the A30s zipped through Blackfish Sound and Blackney. They are now eastbound. Meanwhile the A35s sound like they are westbound from the Boat Bay area. Will the A12s, A5s and the rest of the A4s come out of the east as well?
28 Jul 2006 17:03:48 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

it sounds like the A30s have met up with not just the A35s! We are now hearing other A4 calls as well as A5 and everyone has gone to the beach.
28 Jul 2006 18:18:47 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

And west they come. So far we have heard A30, A4 and A5 calls. They seem to be west bound from Boat Bay and Critical Point.
28 Jul 2006 21:54:02 PDT

Thursday, July 27, 2006

27 July 2006, Orcalab reports

No orcas present.

The whales carried on calling off the Ecological Reserve until about 1:30am. Some of the A4s and the A12s followed the very vocal A5s to the east. Three hours later the whales went in for a couple of rubs. We last heard calls there at 5:30am.
27 Jul 2006 08:38:16 PDT

No orcas present.

This is a VERY blustery day & difficult conditions for the whale watch boats. The A12s,A11s,A24s, A8s,A51s, and A43 are most likely the whales headed east toward Kelsey Bay. A short while ago they were off St Vicent's Bight (Big Beautiful Bay). In the opposite direction are the A35s who were missing form yesterday's groups. They are coming east through Queen Charlotte Strait approaching Lizard Point.
27 Jul 2006 12:44:15 PDT

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

26 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A12s,A4s and A5s just rushed through Blackfish Sound and Blackney Pass. They are now in Johnstone Strait and heading east toward the Ecological Reserve. The A12s were all together and slightly behind the rest. The A24s,A43s and A51s were just off the Hanson Island side while the A11s were midstrait just ahead of the A12s. We did not clearly see the A8s and the A35s but they may have been the spread out whales in the front.
26 Jul 2006 14:59:27 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Actually the rub is just over but the whales enjoyed quite a rub and are not headed back to the west.
26 Jul 2006 17:10:10 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The whales came back west until they got to the eastern end of Hanson Island. They then turned around and moved closer to Vancouver Island for the run back to the Reserve. The A5s just went past Critical Point. Could they and the others be on their way back to the rubbing beaches?
26 Jul 2006 20:36:43 PDT

Orcas near mics.

Just a slight amendment: the A5s must be travelling back up the Vancouver Island shore in the Reserve. The others still sound further off shore.
26 Jul 2006 23:17:54 PDT

Friday, July 21, 2006

21 July Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

We think the orcas are probably still somewhere to the east of us in Johnstone Strait, though we arent sure. Lovely sunny morning here, with fog low to the water & islands peeking avove.around the edges of the islands.
21 Jul 2006 08:53:00 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

What a contrast to yesterday's lazy, hazy summer day! All was quiet this morning and then the reports started to surface. The Lukwa (Stubbs Island Whale Watch) heard R calls out in Queen Charlottee Strait. The Tuan (Seasmoke Charters) saw the A36s with many, many whales off Donegal Head. Then we were told the super big group was headed east in Blackfish Sound and headed for Blackney. And then: In rushed over 80 whales, spread out across Blackney, excited and in a rush to get to the Strait. In the Strait, the A12s, A4s and the A5s were coming up from the east and Robson Bight to meet the incoming gang. Whales were everywhere! It was a superpod of grand proportions. At last count, 117 (thanks to Graeme Ellis and John Ford of DFO)whales were in the area. There were several G clan groups, the Ds, several R clan groups and of course the same As of the last several weeks. They rushed toward the Ecological Reserve where one group went into the Main rubbing beach for more than an hour. Now, the groups are reorganising for a trip back to the west.
21 Jul 2006 17:55:31 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The official count is now 127! An opportunity for another look by the DFO came when the whales moved toward CP early this evening. Our day was made complete when,after passing CP with beautiful calls and a glimpse underwater, they entered Blackney and headed northwest to the sunset. The big question is: Will they be back or was this the visit?
21 Jul 2006 20:51:28 PDT

Add from the comment board:
Hi Jan,The list we got from Graeme Ellis included: The R4/5s, Ws, I31s,G3s,G12s,G31s.G2s,G29s,A36s,A12s,A4s,A5s,Ds,C6s. I will ask if other Rs (R2s,R17s)were present. I hope this helps. It was quite a day!
Helena@Hanson I
21 Jul 2006 22:58:56 PDT

Thursday, July 20, 2006

20 July Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A12,A4s and the A5s stayed off the Robson Bight/ Sophia Islands area for most of the night. The whales were very vocal and from their non stop sounds we guessed that they were feeding most of the night. Around 4:30 they finally slipped past Critical Point to the east. They are now returning and we are once again picking up calls from Critical Point.
20 Jul 2006 07:50:12 PDT

No orcas present.

it was not much of a move to the west. In fact the A12s,A4s and A5s are eastbound, currently off Windy Point (about 1/2 the way from the Ecological Reserve to Kelsey Bay).
20 Jul 2006 14:31:21 PDT

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

19 July 2006 Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A12s,A4s and A5s are passing Robson Bight on their way to the west. Silent just now, they were quite vocal as they passed Critical Point a short while ago.
19 Jul 2006 07:08:09 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

Kind of like yesterday. Up and down the Strait. This time the A12s,A4s and A5s made it past CP and the entrance of Blackney Pass and further before turning & crossing over to vancouver Island & back to the east.
19 Jul 2006 09:39:46 PDT

Distant calls audible.

Another day of back and forth in the Strait ending with a late evening bite to eat off Cracroft Point and a pass through Blackney. They are back in the Strait via Weynton Pass after a quick circle of Hanson Island. We assume they will head east.
19 Jul 2006 23:42:53 PDT

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

18 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

Last night the A12s, A4s and the A5s passed Robson Bight and seemed to keep going. It would be nice if the A36s convinced the D7s to return. They were last seen still headed west near the Jeanette Islands in Queen Charlotte Strait.
18 Jul 2006 07:23:23 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

Very "reserved" whales today! The whales came back from the east this morning (A12s,A4s, A5s) but they have spent the day going back and forth in or near the Ecological Reserve. At the moment they are off the Sophias (the furthest they have come so far) and still moving slowly westward.
18 Jul 2006 15:18:20 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

This time they only got as far as the entrance to Blackney Pass before they turned back to the Reserve once again. On this turn they fell asleep and drifted on the flooding tide. The calls ceased. Right now they are passing Robson Bight on their slow roll to the east. Lovely, lovely day here, sunshine all around and light winds.
18 Jul 2006 18:55:15 PDT

Monday, July 17, 2006

17 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

Well we found the rest of the groups. This morning they came west from the Robson Bight area and passed through Blackney Pass in front of us. The A36s were in the lead with the A24s, A8s, A34s following. behind then came A12 & A33 along with the A35s. The small A11 group with A73 were the last group through. They were travelling with another group who we did not confidently identify - it may have been someone else from the A5 pod. They are all in Blackfish Sound now. A large humpback was in Blackney (and still is ) as the groups went through.
17 Jul 2006 07:55:28 PDT

No orcas present.

Since this mornings update, the whales continued to the west. A very faint "D" call in the Strait this morning suggests that yesterday's evening arrival into the Strait most likely stayed with the A12s,A36s,A4s and A8s but took Weynton Pass back out to Queen Charlotte where they advanced to the west ahead of the A36s etc. This all happened before 8am and for the rest of the day we followed the reports of their progress on the radio and watched the humpbacks in Blackney Pass and off CP.
17 Jul 2006 18:37:50 PDT

Superb sounds!!

Tonight: in rushed the A12s, A4s and some of the A5s via Blackney pass. They put on quite a show as they grabbed a bite or two as they moved through Blackney. They are well on their way now toward Robson Bight, excited to be back after their quick but long jaunt to the west.
17 Jul 2006 22:22:04 PDT

Sunday, July 16, 2006

16 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

An interesting start to the day! The whales are just where they left off at 1am. Just a short while ago we began to hear distant calls. The whales are still east of CP but they are headed west.
16 Jul 2006 07:13:18 PDT

Distant calls audible.

Sorry I forgot the map. It should be the A36s (in the lead) along with the A4s,A8s and A12s if all the groups are there.
16 Jul 2006 07:15:45 PDT

No orcas present.

After a lot of back and forth starting just after day break the day ended in some confusion. In the afternoon we heard of new incoming groups.A while later the A12s,A4s,A8s and the A36s became very excited as they trekked west past CP. The reason for their excitment became evident when we heard the distant calls of the Cs and Ds just in via Weynton Passage. Then for some reason the calls dropped. Finally, A32 was seen travelling back to the east and a short while after that a few A4 calls. Unfortunately, those were our only clues and we are not sure where the A12,A8s and those new whales ended up. Time will hopefully tell.
16 Jul 2006 22:31:59 PDT

Friday, July 14, 2006

14 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

We believe that the whales who had been stalled off Robson Bight for several hours finally shifted east of the Ecological Reserve, just after 11pm last night. The rest of the night was quiet
14 Jul 2006 07:15:19 PDT

No orcas present.

The resident groups (the A12s,A36s,A4s and A8s) stayed far to the east today. Two transients wandered Queen Charlotte Strait.
14 Jul 2006 22:41:44 PDT

Thursday, July 13, 2006

13 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

No calls but orcas nearby

Living inside a vortex: Yesterday "everyone" came back and headed into Johnstone Strait where they went east briefly. After milling around the Robson Bight area they moved west early this morning. The A36s led the A4s and the A8s into Blackney Pass from Johnstone Strait and headed into Blackfish Sound. The A36s were all business but the rest were very social, kids playing, mums travelling with mums. A13 has suffered some damage to the top of his fin. The recent wound is showing up white. It makes for quite change in appearance. We did not see the A12s and could not say for sure that the A24s were in this crowd.
13 Jul 2006 07:13:16 PDT

Superb sounds!!

A long day... the A36s,A4s and A8s headed into Queen Charlotte Strait via Blackney Pass at first light. The A12s elected to head east in Johnstone Strait. While the A12s began their trekk back west toward Robson Bight the sleepy Queen Charlotte gang managed to turn around and head back also.They "drifted" east in Blackfish Sound along the Hanson Island shore, passing Dong Chong Bay (the scene 4 years ago today of Springer's arrival by boat and short stay in the pen),toward Johnstone Strait. After a brief stall in the Johnstone Strait entrance way to Blackney they pushed on and eastward toward the A12s who were coming from the opposite direction. As the A12s passed, the bigger group, turned around and followed. Eventually, everyone turned again and excitedly rushed toward the Ecological Reserve. One "final" move back to west brought them only as far as the area in front of the Bight where they parked themselves for hours, calling, calling, calling. At this stage, one can only guess if the strong ebbing tide will eventually encourage them to go further west.
13 Jul 2006 23:03:52 PDT

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

12 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

The A12s,A4s and A5s have come back from the east and are continuing west past Kaikash Creek.
12 Jul 2006 06:56:02 PDT

Distant calls audible.

It sounds like the whales that were headed west in Johnstone Strait went through Weynton Pass and are now headed out into Queen Charlotte Strait, crossing the top end of Blackfish Sound.
12 Jul 2006 08:44:10 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

After travelling Queen Charlotte Strait for most of the day the A12s,A4s and perhaps the A8s returned to the Strait via Weynton Passage. They then travelled east past Robson Bight.
12 Jul 2006 20:43:57 PDT

I forgot to mention that the A36s were with the other groups at least as far as Weynton Passage but it was unclear if they continued into the Strait.
12 Jul 2006 20:45:27 PDT

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

11 July 2006, Orcalab reports

No orcas present.

A quiet day since the A12s,A4s and A8s went east just after midnight. They kept going and this morning were seen near Sayward still eastbound. The whalewatch boats found four humbacks to fill out their day and then in the later part of the afternoon the A36s were found miling off of Lizard Point. We are hoping that they will "drop down" just a bit further and get in range of Flower Island. Finally, rain, real rain, today - you can just about hear the forest sigh with relief. But we need much more and the sky is now lifting.
11 Jul 2006 16:38:15 PDT

Monday, July 10, 2006

10 July 2006, Orcalab reports

Multiple pod calls audible.

This has been one of those days where the whales move back and forth in the Strait. The A11s (without the A35s) and the A24s were first to move to the west in the Strait and then turn and go all the way back east of Robson Bight where they joined up with the A12s,A8s and possibly the A35s for another run to the west. They have completed this run, getting as far as the Wastells/Telegrapg Cove, and have once again turned back to the east. Through the constant boat noise we can, after a short break, hear their calls once again. We will have to wait to see if they decide to go the full length of the western Strait and head back to the Bight.
10 Jul 2006 21:15:50 PDT

Sunday, July 09, 2006

09 July 2006, Orcalab reports

Distant calls audible.

We just started to hear A4 calls again on Critical Point. Just before dark last night yesterday's groups (the A12s,A4s,A8s and A36s) started to arrive back from Queen Charlotte Strait via both Blackney Pass and Weynton Pass. The incoming groups met off the entrance to Blackney and then continued to the east. The A11s, the last group, followed a short while later and may be the group now returning to the west.
09 Jul 2006 07:39:56 PDT

Saturday, July 08, 2006

08 July 2006, Oralab reports:

No orcas present.

Quiet night, nothing seemed to change over night.
08 Jul 2006 07:42:12 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

"Nothing seemed to change" was not exactly accurate - in fact everything changed overnight! The problem for us was that it all happened silently. The A12s, A4s and A8s travelled west in the Strait and were completely silent until just before the entrance of Weynton Passage. We heard a single call over the boat noise at around 8:30am. This was just about the same moment when Jim Borrowman, looking out from Telegraph Cove saw a single fin near Weynton Passage. When he got over to the whales they were already well into the Pass and heading out to Blackfish Sound and Donegal Head beyond. An interesting split happened. A12 and A33 along with the A8s and the A35s came down into Blackney Pass and Johnstone Strait while the A11s and the rest of the A12s (the A34s) joined the A36s and travelled out through Queen Charlotte Strait. After a short while A12 and A33 led the A35s and the A8s back out through Blackney and on to Queen Charlotte Strait where they are now, several kilometres behind the "other gang". A rather neat day of interesting twists. Warm southeast winds continued to blow.
08 Jul 2006 16:55:56 PDT

Friday, July 07, 2006

07 July 2006, Orcalab reports

Multiple pod calls audible.

What a night. After circling Hanson Island twice the A12s and the a4s finally headed up into Blackfish Sound where they waited for the A36s to bring in some of the A5s and either the I31s or I11s. The A36s left via Blckney Pass around first light and continued back west into Blackfish. The A12s and the A5s may have continued east (at least for now) while the I11/I31 group sounded like they came up to Craroft Point behind the A36s. however, they never came into Blackney and we wonder if they and one of the A groups continued off to the west in the Strait.
07 Jul 2006 06:36:22 PDT

No orcas present.

After all the excitment of new groups arriving, the rest of the day was a bit anticlimatic. By 630am the A36s and the I31s (only I46, I80, and the I33s were identified by Jared Towers) took different paths out of the area. We have no idea what happened to the A4s, A12s amd the A5s - did they leave as well via Weynton Pass or did they go east? Time will probably let us in on the secret. For now, boat noise and the sound of the southeast wind.
07 Jul 2006 22:10:22 PDT

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

5 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

A further note: The A12s can be heard now on CP as they continue west and we now believe the C10s and A5s were with the A4s and A36s on their trek to Queen Charlotte Strait earlier.
05 Jul 2006 09:31:36 PDT

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4 July 2006 Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

We believe that the A12s,A36s,A4s,A5s and Cs are still in the eastern reaches of Johnstone Strait.
04 Jul 2006 08:41:35 PDT

Monday, July 03, 2006

3 July 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

We just had an exciting moment as the Cs and A5s passed the Lab very quickly on their way to the Strait.
03 Jul 2006 19:15:19 PDT

Thursday, June 22, 2006

June 22 2006, Orcalab reports:

No orcas present.

A little bit of news: Donna MacKay had a report this morning of a large group of orcas heading eastward from the Cape Caution area. Also, Cetacealab has heard/seen I31s and some of the A5s (A43s and A25s) over the last few days. The DFO during their Spring survey work ran across the A30s and report that A54 has a new calf. All the A30s were there and looking well. It is a good start!
22 Jun 2006 12:19:19 PDT

Sunday, June 04, 2006

4 June 2006, Cetaceanlab reports:

We had a report of 2 humpback whales traveling close to our home so we quickly packed the camera, put on rain gear and out the door. We decided that one of us would go out in the boat and the other would stay behind and listen for calls on the hydrophone. I was just leaving the bay in our boat and I could hear Hermann yelling “STOP STOP” I thought there must be something wrong with the boat so shut down immediately. Then I saw this 6 foot black dorsal break the stillness of the water, to follow a female orca, most likely mother and son. Slowly I traveled towards them. They were very relaxed and I was able to get a few excellent ID pictures. Turned out to be 2 transient orcas, T11 and T11A. After following them for a short time I saw 2 more blows, at least 20 feet high so had to be the humpbacks reported earl;ier. Traveled towards them and within minutes recognized these 2 large resident whales. They have been in this area , always together, for weeks now. Then another report on the radio, a family of orcas traveling down Whale channel. This group turned out to be a family of resident orcas, the A42s. They were traveling so close to shore and very quiet, not a single call.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

17 May Orcalab reports:

This is just an added note. We finished listening to the tapes from May 5 & 8 and decided that the A12s were in Blackfish Sound on May 5 and then in Johnstone Strait with some of the A5s on May 8. It has been lovely weather here on the coast for the last several days - quite summer like - so we have been enjoying the long, hot days and cooler nights. The warm weather brought out the BIG ants which in turn has encouraged the insect eating woodpeckers, robins etc.
17 May 2006 10:45:54 PDT

Thursday, May 11, 2006

11 May 2006, Orcalab reports

No orcas present.

Just an added note: There were, in addition to the A12 vocals, A5 calls as well on the tapes from May 8th. The A4s (the A11s) may have also been present - stand by, we are still reviewing the very chatty tapes.
Helena & Paul
11 May 2006 22:43:36 PDT

Monday, March 06, 2006

6 March, 2006 Cetacean lab reports

As we step outside there is not a sound. The sun has just risen leaving a light pink glow on the snowcapped mountains to the west. The sound of a loon echoes over the still waters that surround us. Then we hear it, a blow, followed by another… I run inside the house and begin a recording, though no calls have yet been heard. Hermann grabs the scope and heads out to the point for a better look. Then there it is, a call we recognize immediately. The A4s are here, a resident Orca family we are very familiar with. For those who are familiar with the story of Springer, this is her Pod! We soon realized there were many dorsal fins, and sure enough as this thought entered our minds, we began to hear A5 calls as well. The two pods are quite spread out as they travel past our location. We had already beached the boat because a storm was forecasted to arrive soon. We contacted the village of Hartley Bay to let them know that orca were headed in their direction. Sure enough, later that same day, the whole village was able to watch from the docks this group of whales as they headed north into Douglas Channel.

This was a nice and rare visit for this time of year and we hope that the whales will stay in our area for a while.