Thursday, August 24, 2006

24 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

The last calls we heard early this morning were at 1am as the whales moved east past the Ecological Reserve. But they have returned. Just a short while ago we heard the A12s,A5s and A4s round Critical Point. They moved off to the west fairly smartly, heading toward the Sophias & CP.
24 Aug 2006 08:03:01 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The whales continued to the west until big Bay. They have just turned back to the east. The A12s,A5s and some of the A4s passed on the cracroft/hanson side. The A11s may be over on the Vancouver Island shore.
24 Aug 2006 09:55:13 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Sorry, we lost our connection and the ability to update. It was quite busy. Earlier as the main group of A12s, A4s & A5s neared the western boundary, the A24s splintered off and rushed back to CP, through Blackney Pass and around Hanson Island. They moved down the Strait and met up with the others. The whales then came back to the west, some as as far as Telegraph Cove. Another turn happened and the whales grouped up and moved quickly east, stalling for a bit in the Bight before heading to the rubbing beaches where they are now. The flood is not until after midnight.
24 Aug 2006 21:59:00 PDT

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