Monday, August 11, 2008

A5s with A36s and A24s in the area

Distant calls audible.

Hello,our internet connection is going on and off and just now I will give you a short update. Last night the A36´s, A24´s and the A5´s came into Blackney went north very slow. After about an hour the A24´s and A5´s turned and went back south to the strait. The A36´s went out. So we had the night and today the same game like the last two weeks, the A24´s and the A5´s are going back and forth in the Johnstone Strait. Now we are listing to the A5´s distant on Crpt. We will see how long the internet connection keeps going this time.
11 Aug 2008 18:47:44 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The A5´s and prob. the A24´s were in the Johnstone Strait going back and forth. Sounds like they went east. But probably not long. We had short calls from the A36´s in Blackfish Sound. Do they call them? We will see.
11 Aug 2008 21:20:27 PDT

Seasmoke reports
On the afternoon tour passengers on board M.V. Cetacea encountered the orcas the A24’s, A8’s and A25’s heading back to the west, foraging as they went along the Hanson Island shore. An orca was seen with a salmon in its mouth, spy-hopping was also observed but mostly the behavior noted was foraging.

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