Saturday, July 23, 2005

23 July Orcalab reports:

00:30 PDT Distant calls audible. The A12s and the A5s have gone through Blackney and are now in Blackfish Sound.

08:06 PDT Distant calls audible. Good morning everyone! After circumnavigating Hanson Island during the night, the A12s & A5s are now back in Blackfish Sound, heading "out" on the swiftly ebbing tide.

13:33 PDT Boat noise. We have been following the reports from the whale watch boats through morning and afternoon. The A12s and perhaps the A5s continued west for quite a while. However, they turned at 12:30pm between Black Bluff and Bere Point and are now re-approaching Lizard Point.

16:41 PDT No calls but orcas nearby. The A12s have come back into the Strait via Weynton Pass and they are now eastbound just off the Hanson Island shore. There may have been a few distant calls.

17:08 PDT Distant calls audible. The A12s moved closer to the Vancouver Island shore from mid strait. It will be difficult to see them in the afternoon haze but there are dalls porpoise nearer to CP.

18:10 PDT No calls but orcas nearbyThe A12s continue to move toward Robson Bight.

18:23 PDT No calls but orcas nearby. Just an added note to the last report. Apparently when the whales were off the CP area there were a few A5 type calls as well. This most likely means that the A8s stayed with the A12s for the whole day.

19:07 PDT Orcas near mics.They are off Robson Bight.

20:09 PDT Distant calls audible. The A12s and the A5s are headed back west toward the CP area.

22:21 PDT Boat noise. The A12s and A5s continued to the west past Blackney Pass. At the moment, we are only listening to boat noise.

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