Saturday, July 30, 2005

30 July Orcalab reports:

23:41 PDT Multiple pod calls audible.
Power has been restored in Alert Bay, so we are up again! During the outage, several groups of orcas entered Johnstone Strait via Blackney Pass, including the A36s, A30s, A5s, and a "G-G" group. The A12s were at the rubbing beaches as the others arrived. We are now listening to calls on the Critical Point hydrophone as the orcas make their way eastwards in the Strait. Given the reports we heard earlier, it would not be surprising if other groups are yet to come.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

28 July Orcalab reports

03:06 PDT Distant calls audible. The whales didn't go far away. We are listening to the A4s and A5s in Blackfish Sound.

08:35 PDT No orcas present. Good morning everyone! We were hearing distant "A" calls on the Flower Island hydrophone until around 4am, and nothing since (except boat noise). We think the groups that headed north through Blackney Pass late last evening (A11s, A8s, probably A12s) continued to the west, as did the A36s (probably), though we're not completely sure. We think some A5s & A4s, along with the C6s, are still to the east in Johnstone Strait. It's another foggy morning here, & we are waiting.

12:26 PDT No orcas present. Again we are in the middle with activity to the west and east of us. There are reports of the groups which went through last night far to the west nearing Port Hardy while there is still at least one group to the east. It is still unclear who is where. We never did hear the C6s return and wonder if there is still A5s in the eastern regions. All the A4s may now be to the west with at least the A8s & A36s. We will know soon if the A12s followed everyone west or stayed in the Strait. Lots of humpbacks not too far away.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

27 July Orcalab reports:

20:50 PDT Distant calls audible. We're now hearing distant calls from the A12s on the Critical Point hydrophone... sounds like they have entered the Strait via Weynton Pass. Meanwhile, the A36s are taking their time coming down Blackfish Sound, and we have just heard the sounds of rubbing at the beaches!

21:37 PDT Orcas hunting fish. We've been listening to echolocation close to the Critical Point hydrophone. It's probably coming from the orcas that we heard briefly at the rubbing beaches about half an hour ago. Probably, they are one (or more) of the groups that have been in eastern Johnstone Strait over the past few days, though we're not sure. Meanwhile, the A36s are still in Blackfish Sound, & the A12s are eastbound in Johnstone Strait.

22:10 PDT Multiple pod calls audible. We're now listening to A4, A5, & A12 calls on the CrPt hydrophone, so it seems that at least some of the A4s & A5s have returned from the east & met up with the A12s! The A36s are still in Blackfish Sound.

22:37 PDT Multiple pod calls audible. The A4s & A5s, followed by the A12s, are heading north through Blackney Pass on the slack tide.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

250705 Multiple pods

25 July Orcalab reports

20:01 PDT Distant calls audible.We have heard from the A30s on Flower Island! The A12s seem to be finished their rub.

20:17 PDT Multiple pod calls audible. And A5s incoming too!

21:18 PDT Multiple pod calls audible.The A30s, A11s, A23s, & others, are about to enter Johnstone Strait. We're listening to them on the Parson Island hydrophone & they should be visible from CP soon.

22:13 PDT Multiple pod calls audible.The A11s, A35s,A24s, A25s, probably the A43s, A30s and the C6s have joined the A12s in the Strait.

23:14 PDT Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.The whales have gone into the Beaches.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

24 July Orcalab reports:

00:16 PDT Superb sounds!! The A5s are there too. We are listening their calls and echo locations on CRPT hydrophone.

08:20 PDT Distant calls audible. Good morning everyone! After a quiet night, during which we think the A12s & A5s went east past the Ecological Reserve, we began hearing echolocation & A12 calls on the Critical Point hydrophone about half an hour ago. Since then, the calls have become more distant & boat noise has intruded. We think the whales are heading west.

11:48 PDT No orcas present. The A12s went through Weynton Passages and have caught the last of the ebb tide into Queen Charlotte Strait. The A8s remained east and were reported of Kelsey Bay earlier. No word on the A36s.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

23 July Orcalab reports:

00:30 PDT Distant calls audible. The A12s and the A5s have gone through Blackney and are now in Blackfish Sound.

08:06 PDT Distant calls audible. Good morning everyone! After circumnavigating Hanson Island during the night, the A12s & A5s are now back in Blackfish Sound, heading "out" on the swiftly ebbing tide.

13:33 PDT Boat noise. We have been following the reports from the whale watch boats through morning and afternoon. The A12s and perhaps the A5s continued west for quite a while. However, they turned at 12:30pm between Black Bluff and Bere Point and are now re-approaching Lizard Point.

16:41 PDT No calls but orcas nearby. The A12s have come back into the Strait via Weynton Pass and they are now eastbound just off the Hanson Island shore. There may have been a few distant calls.

17:08 PDT Distant calls audible. The A12s moved closer to the Vancouver Island shore from mid strait. It will be difficult to see them in the afternoon haze but there are dalls porpoise nearer to CP.

18:10 PDT No calls but orcas nearbyThe A12s continue to move toward Robson Bight.

18:23 PDT No calls but orcas nearby. Just an added note to the last report. Apparently when the whales were off the CP area there were a few A5 type calls as well. This most likely means that the A8s stayed with the A12s for the whole day.

19:07 PDT Orcas near mics.They are off Robson Bight.

20:09 PDT Distant calls audible. The A12s and the A5s are headed back west toward the CP area.

22:21 PDT Boat noise. The A12s and A5s continued to the west past Blackney Pass. At the moment, we are only listening to boat noise.

Friday, July 22, 2005

22 July Orcalab reports:

21:20 PDT Superb sounds!! Surprise! We are hearing A5 & A4 calls close to Critical Point. They must have followed the A12s west.

23:08 PDT Superb sounds!! The A12s are now very close to CP. The others are just approaching. We are wondering what they will choose to do. The tide is still ebbing and may encourage them to come into Blackney Pass. We have yet to hear the A36s.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

21 July Orcalab reports

10:28 PDT Distant calls audible.We're hearing distant calls on the Critical Point hydrophone as the A12s & A8s (A42s) make their way to the east in Johnstone Strait. They are heading into the Ecological Reserve at Robson Bight.

12:10 PDT No calls but orcas nearbyThe A12s continued to the east, past the Ecological Reserve, and have met up with the A36s, who were travelling west, around Eve River. The A5s (A42s) along with an A4 group (possibly A11s) are further behind, also eastbound.

19:00 PDT No orcas present.The news from the whale watch boats is that the whales continued to the far east.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Orcas near mics.
We have been listening to the A4s in close to the Bight and wonder if the A11s have joined the A12s in the Strait. Earlier CP saw a large group heading east toward the Reserve area. The A5s and the A24s spent the day in the eastern part of the Strait and we are waiting to see if they too make it back up into this part of the Strait.
11 Jul 2005 18:55:54 PDT

Distant calls audible.
The whales have moved back to the west along Vancouver Island.
11 Jul 2005 21:05:10 PDT

Friday, July 01, 2005

Near Lizard Point, we sighted over 40 orcas (A4, A5, A12 and other pods). We also saw Dall’s porpoises and many harbour seals.Mackay
Lizard point 010705